Adriano Buergo is a Cuban artist born in Havana in 1964, who is currently Miami-based. He completed his art studies at The Higher Institute of Art in Havana, Cuba, in 1988. Together with four other artists, he founded the art group known as Puré. The work of Adriano Buergo, along with that of other Cuban artists of the 80s generation, engages socio-cultural themes. In one of the best known series of his work he gave birth to a rather peculiar character: a bricollage domestic fan which named “Roto” (Broken). Roto became the icon of the struggle for survival in an environment plagued with material privation and contradictions. Nonetheless, Roto is capable of adaptating to the challenges of his daily existence and to yearn for them, allowing the viewer to witness a process of transcendence always seeking to remake himself in order to delve into new aspects of his reality. Today his works are included in collections of Ludwig Forum fur Kunst, Aachen, Germany, National Museum of Fine Arts, Havana, Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami, The Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame, Indiana and The Farber Collection.


Buergo, Adriano

Rostro Roto, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 42 x 43.”
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