Carlos Estévez (b. in Havana, Cuba, 1969)Lives and works in Miami, USA. Graduated from the Instituto Superior de Arte, Havana, Cuba in 1992. Received the Grand Prize in the First Salon of Contemporary Cuban Art in 1995; and The Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters & Sculptors Grant in 2015. Residencies include: Academia de San Carlos, UNAM, Mexico (1997); Gasworks Studios, London, England (1997); The UNESCO-ASCHBERG in The Nordic Artists’ Center in Dale, Norway (1998); Art-OMI Foundation, New York, USA (1998); The Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA, USA (2002); Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France (2003-2004); Montclair University, New Jersey, USA (2005); and McColl Center, Charlotte, NC US (2016).


Estévez, Carlos

Non-Stop Journey, 2012, Oil and watercolor pencil on canvas. 38 x 68.”
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