Los Transferencistas Lazáro (Lacho) Martínez, Reinier Usa Torres & Yosvel Hernández The transdisciplinary project led by Lázaro Lacho Martínez: Los Transferencistas, expands its conceptions and abstract methodologies of representation through various creative experiences linked to painting, performance, music, dance, theater and audiovisuals. The group, also made up of the artists Reinier Usa Torres, Yosvel Hernández, as well as other artists such as Ivette Cedillo and Humberto Perdomo, prioritizes in its operating modes the sense of dialogue, intellectual and technical exchange with other creators and areas of expression. He is interested because, in that sense, and the creative contingencies that emanate from it, reach a univocal, coherent perceptual and representative profile. The philosophy of exchange, of cooperative projection, acquires in this case an inductive and practical value...An exercise that seems to expand, and even subtly emulate, some arguments and incentives that have conditioned the pictorial work of La Transferencia. David Mateo