Carbonell, Alexander Richard

Artist´s Collections

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Educated in the Cuban graphic school and tradition, he studied at the San Alejandro Academy (1990 - 1993) and the Higher Institute of Art, today the University of the Arts (1992 - 1997), both in Havana. He was a teacher of drawing, painting, and engraving, as well as a member of the Graduation Committee at the San Alejandro Academy, in Havana, from 1995 to 1999. His artistic stance straddles different artistic styles, combining various trends and moving easily between the traditional and the contemporary. He has held about a dozen solo exhibitions in Cuba, Spain, and primarily in the United States. He has been invited to numerous group exhibitions in Cuba and the United States. His work is found in various collections around the world, among which stand out the Museum of Contemporary Art of Huelva, Spain, Lowe Art Museum, Miami, FL., Museum Centre de la Gravure et de l'Image imprimée, Belgium, ESCALA, The Essex Collection of Art from Latin America, United Kingdom, Peter Ludwig Collection, Germany, Fundación Joseph Comaposada, Catalonia, Spain, as well as in private collections in Puerto Rico, Spain, Colombia, Sweden, the United States, and Japan.